Manufacture and layout of badges, medals, business and other gifts, service marks, state order, buttons, plakets, other metal products. Manufacture of jewellery, mainly serial products. Stamping. Casting of precious metals, brass, bronze. Engraving. Coating with jewelry enamels. Golding, silvering, nickel-plating, variation and other.
The price of the product depends on the following:
The main metals we work with are brass, melchior, aluminum, silver. We also produce from bronze, copper, gold.
The time limit for manufacture depends on the quantity of units ordered and the complexity of the article. Normally, we complete the order within 2-4 weeks, excluding delivery time. However, we invite you to contact us directly and check, as a faster booking deadline can be negotiated if necessary.
Packaging is possible standard, i.e. bags of plastic or paper; boxes of paper, plastic. It is also possible to make an individual packaging of the product, designed and made specifically for your product of wood, glass, artificial or natural leather, etc.
We offer all design services. Project managers, technicians and designers work closely together to ensure unique implementation and smooth execution of the idea.
If you need more information about our services or you want to consult us regarding your order, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly via e-mail or or call us 00370 61002781 (Lithuania).